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Alums now have 3 options for getting club announcements

Option 1: Text

Ben Franklin once said that an ounce of text is worth a pound of email. If you’d like to receive event invitations through text, you can opt in here.

Option 2: Email

We provide summaries of events hosted by us and our Ivy+ community through the club email list. If you’d like to get club updates in your inbox, follow the steps below to join our email list.

    1. Go to the University listserv page.

    2. Under “Options” on the right, click Subscribe or Unsubscribe.

    3. Enter your name and email, then click Subscribe (PENNAUSTIN).

    4. Check your inbox for an email from to confirm your request (expires in 48 hours and may be in spam).

Option 3: Instagram

See what we’ve been up to lately and what we’re doing next! Check out our recent event photos, and catch new event announcements by following our club on Instagram.